13 janv. 2010
Vous avez certainement entendu la dernière chanson de Lady Gaga : Bad Romance.
Pour ma part, oui, d'ailleurs ça fait deux nuits qu'elle tourne en boucle dans ma tête, et quand on veut s'endormir, ce n'est pas l'idéal !

Vous voulez devenir fou (ou bien faire une soirée karaoke) ? Alors cliquez ici (et mettez le son).
Ra ra ah ahaaaaa ! Roma Roma ma Gaga oh là là !
You've problably heard Lady Gaga's last song : Bad Romance.
I did, and unfortunately, the last two nights, this song remained in my mind, which is not pleasant when you're trying to sleep !

Do you want want to live a crazy moment (or to have a karaoke party) ? Then click here (and put on your computer's sound).
Ra ra ah ahaaaaa ! Roma Roma ma Gaga oh là là !
Hi, it also happened to me with this song. Once you hear it you can't forget it: it's like a curse...
By the way, I was looking at your last posts and I just saw that it snowed a LOT in Grenoble. Your pictures are amazing. My favourite one is the one where you are "almost mummified" :-)
Hi Nestor !
Each time I open my blog page, this song comes again into my mind. :s
And yes, it snowed a lot, it's quite rare when there is so much snow in my village !